Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

Sometimes It’s Great To Be An Adult

Last weekend my wife and I went to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk and I had a moment of clarity after playing Whac-A-Mole. We had run out of tokens, and had already burned through about $20 on various games, but I wanted to play a few more. When I was a kid, running out of tokens […]

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

Jury Duty

Last Tuesday I reported for jury duty at the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda’s Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse. The last time I actually had to go to report for jury duty was in May of 2006. It was for a civil case relating to this: Esteemed UC history professor hit by truck and […]

Saturday, February 14th, 2009

Total Order Drop

Shortly before 7am GMT on February 12, 2009, Amazon.co.uk slowly began refusing to fulfill MP3 orders. By 8am, the MP3 store was failing to fulfill 95% of all orders and continued to do so until almost 2pm. I often wondered how things like this come about and now I have first hand knowledge. I was […]

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

January 09 Favorites

At work I am on the photogs mailing list where a number of people share their monthly best/favorite photographs they’ve taken during the month. I posted my 10 favorite, and 3 of them appear below. In addition, I checked my photo stats and apparently in mid-November someone submitted a store to Digg about mountain goats. […]

Saturday, January 31st, 2009

Quicksort in the Erlang Shell

It seems that one of the canonical examples of the power/simplicity/elegance etc. of functional languages/recursion tends to be an implementation of Quicksort. In Pragmatic Programming Erlang it appears on page 62. qsort([]) -> []; qsort([Pivot|T]) -> qsort([X || X []; ([Pivot|T]) -> QSort([X || X Q = fun([],F) -> []; ([Pivot|T],F) -> F([X || X […]

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009


“We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and nonbelievers.” – President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address, 2009-01-20 I interpret this to mean Christians, Muslims, Jews and Hindus are believers, or more generally, believers are people who ascribe to a religion. However, why shouldn’t it be the other way around, that the […]

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Full Boats

Registration for the Sunday 12am, 50 person maximum, $70 No-Limit Texas Hold-em at Caesars opened 2 hours prior to the start. As luck would have it, I attempted to sign up for it at 10:05pm (thinking it might fill up and giving my wife and I time to eat dinner beforehand) but it hadn’t been […]

Sunday, January 18th, 2009

Would Obama Have Voted Nay On H.J.Res. 114?

In October of 2002, Obama publicly condemned the use of force in Iraq. During the 2008 US Presidential Election, I kept wondering, had he been a senator, would he have voted Nay on H.J.Res. 114 A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq. With the release of the NYTimes […]

Sunday, January 11th, 2009

Winds Still 404

While I’m waiting for the Amazon.com “Gold Box For Gamers” which begins at midnight PST, it seems like a good time to comment on completing LostWinds. This was my first WiiWare purchase, 1,000 points (10 USD) and it provide exactly 7 hours of gameplay. 2008-12-28 – 2hrs 54min (co-op with my wife) 2008-12-30 – 2hrs […]

Sunday, January 11th, 2009

Learning About WordPress

One of the things I struggle with is resisting the temptation to, “build vs. buy”. Certainly I’m capable of writing my own blogging software or designing my own theme; however, my goal is to start keeping track of my thoughts and ideas and embarking on either of those endeavors would not be productive. Initially, I […]