Friday, August 25th, 2017...22:53
The Sneaky Snacky Squirrel
Previously I wrote about a board game our daughter enjoys playing, Hi Ho! Cherry-O. One of the things that makes it somewhat uninteresting to adults is the lack of any applicable strategy; luck completely determines the outcome. Another game she enjoys is The Sneaky Snacky Squirrel. While luck determines much of the outcome, there are also two opportunities to strategize, when the result of a spin allows one to:
- Pick 1 or 2 acorns of needed color(s).
- Steal an acorn of a needed color from another player.
Our daughter understands what colors she needs to pick but not that there might be a better strategy than just picking her favorite color or always picking from mama’s log. When playing with her it’s also difficult to test if a non-naive strategy actually matters since she doesn’t appreciate it when people take acorns from her (unless there’s no other option). It’s also difficult to round up other adults to play a bunch of rounds of the game…so once again a simulator is the best option.
For the picking strategy, instead of just picking any color acorn(s) needed, it might be more advantageous to pick the color(s) that the most people already have. That way if another player has an opportunity to steal, it’s less likely they’ll be able to steal from you.
For the stealing strategy, instead of just picking any color acorn needed from any player, it again might be more advantageous to pick the color that the most people have, from the player with the most acorns. That way again if another player has an opportunity to steal, it’s less likely they’ll be able to steal from you and you’ll make it take longer for the player closest to winning to win.
In order to do this I created 4 “strategies”, 2 for picking: BasicPickStrategy and PickColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy and then 2 for stealing: BasicStealStrategy and StealColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy. Each player needs one of each strategy, which conveniently results in 4 players to cover all possible combinations:
- Player 0: BasicPickStrategy, BasicStealStrategy
- Player 1: BasicPickStrategy, StealColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy
- Player 2: PickColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy, BasicStealStrategy
- Player 3: PickColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy, StealColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy
I then had the program play 1,000,000 games between the 4 players, randomizing the order of the players:
$ ./ 1000000
The output was:
22.121029,8.412456,Counter({3: 296961, 1: 289553, 0: 207117, 2: 206369})
That means on average it took 22.1 turns with a standard deviation of 8.4 to complete a game and Player 3 won 29.7% of the time, Player 1 won 29.0% of the time, Player 0 won 20.7% of the time and Player 2 won 20.6% of the time. So it seems that a non-naive stealing strategy makes the most difference and a non-naive picking strategy also has a small positive effect. There are certainly other strategies, if you’d like to try them just add a new strategy to the code below. I’ve also posted unit tests so you can be more confident things are augmented properly.
#!/usr/bin/python import itertools import random import sys from collections import Counter from collections import defaultdict from math import sqrt class Color(object): """Enumeration of all possible colors""" COLORS = set(range(0, 5)) BLUE, GREEN, PURPLE, RED, YELLOW = COLORS class SpinResult(object): """Enumeration of all possible spin results.""" RESULTS = set(range(0, 10)) BLUE, GREEN, PURPLE, RED, YELLOW, WIND, PICK_ONE, PICK_TWO, STEAL, SLEEP = ( RESULTS) def GetColorCounts(player, all_players): """Count all the colors all the other players have. Args: player: The player to exclude from the counts. all_players: All the players in the game. Returns: A dict of color->count. """ color_counts = defaultdict(int) for other_player in all_players: if player == other_player: continue # Don't count player's colors. for color in other_player.log: color_counts[color] += 1 return color_counts class BasicPickStrategy(object): """A naive acorn picking strategy.""" def __init__(self, all_players): """Constructor. Args: all_players: A list of all Player objects playing the game. """ self.all_players = all_players def pick(self, player, num_acorns=1): """Pick the first acorn color needed. Args: num_acorns: The number of acorns to pick. """ if player.filled_log(): return available_colors = Color.COLORS.difference(player.log) while num_acorns > 0 and available_colors: player.log.add(available_colors.pop()) num_acorns -= 1 class BasicStealStrategy(object): """A naive acorn stealing strategy.""" def __init__(self, all_players): """Constructor. Args: all_players: A list of all Player objects playing the game. """ self.all_players = all_players def steal(self, player): """Steal the first acorn color needed from the first viable player.. Args: player: The player performing the steal. """ if player.filled_log(): return for other_player in self.all_players: if player == other_player: continue available_colors = other_player.log.difference(player.log) if available_colors: picked_color = available_colors.pop() player.log.add(picked_color) other_player.log.remove(picked_color) break class PickColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy(BasicPickStrategy): """A less naive acorn picking strategy.""" def __init__(self, all_players): """Constructor. Args: all_players: A list of all Player objects playing the game. """ BasicPickStrategy.__init__(self, all_players) def pick(self, player, num_acorns=1): """Pick the most prevalent color acorns; they're least likely to be stolen. Args: num_acorns: The number of acorns to pick. """ if player.filled_log(): return available_colors = Color.COLORS.difference(player.log) color_counts = GetColorCounts(player, self.all_players) # Pick the most prevalent color(s). for color in sorted(color_counts, key=color_counts.get, reverse=True): if num_acorns > 0 and color in available_colors: player.log.add(color) available_colors.remove(color) num_acorns -= 1 # If colors owned by other players are exhasted, pick any needed colors. while num_acorns > 0 and available_colors: player.log.add(available_colors.pop()) num_acorns -= 1 class StealColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy(BasicStealStrategy): """A less naive acorn stealing strategy.""" def __init__(self, all_players): """Constructor. Args: all_players: A list of all Player objects playing the game. """ BasicStealStrategy.__init__(self, all_players) def steal(self, player): """Steal most prevalent color acorn from the player with the most acorns. Args: player: The player performing the steal. """ if player.filled_log(): return available_colors = Color.COLORS.difference(player.log) color_counts = GetColorCounts(player, self.all_players) players = sorted(self.all_players, key=lambda p: len(p.log), reverse=True) for color in sorted(color_counts, key=color_counts.get, reverse=True): if color in available_colors: player.log.add(color) for p in players: if color in p.log: p.log.remove(color) break class Player(object): """Represents a player.""" def __init__(self, pick_strategy_cls, steal_strategy_cls, number): """Constructor. Args: pick_strategy_cls: A class to use for picking acorns. steal_strategy_cls: A class to use for stealing acorns. number: A unique identifier. """ self.log = set() self.pick_strategy_cls = pick_strategy_cls self.steal_strategy_cls = steal_strategy_cls self.pick_strategy = None self.steal_strategy = None self.number = number def reset(self, all_players): """Reset the state of the player. Args: all_players: A list of Player objects playing the game. """ self.log = set() self.pick_strategy = self.pick_strategy_cls(all_players) self.steal_strategy = self.steal_strategy_cls(all_players) def filled_log(self): """Returns True if the player has filled their log, otherwise False.""" return len(self.log) == len(Color.COLORS) def spin(self, value): """Process a spin of the wheel. Args: value: The value of the spin. Returns: The spun value. """ if value < len(Color.COLORS): # Add the selected colored acorn to player's log. self.log.add(value) elif value == SpinResult.WIND: # Lose all acorns. self.log = set() elif value == SpinResult.PICK_ONE: # Pick any colored acorn. self.pick_strategy.pick(self) elif value == SpinResult.PICK_TWO: # Pick any 2 colored acorn. self.pick_strategy.pick(self, 2) elif value == SpinResult.STEAL: # Steal an acorn from any other player. self.steal_strategy.steal(self) elif value == SpinResult.SLEEP: # Skip player's turn. pass return value def __str__(self): return '[%d, %s, %s]' % (self.number, self.pick_strategy_cls.__name__, self.steal_strategy_cls.__name__) def play(players): """Plays a single game. Args: players: List of players playing the game. Returns: The number of spins performed to complete the game and the winning player. """ num_spins = 0 for player in players: player.reset(players) game_over = False winner = None while not game_over: for player in players: value = player.spin(random.randint(0, 9)) num_spins += 1 game_over = player.filled_log() if game_over: winner = player break return num_spins, winner def mean(data): """Compute the mean of data.""" n = len(data) return sum(data) / float(n) def stddev(data): """Compute the standard deviation of data.""" c = mean(data) ssd = sum((x - c) ** 2 for x in data) v = ssd / (len(data) - 1) return sqrt(v) def trials(players, num_games): """Play games and compute basic statistics. Args: players: A list of Player objects playing the game. num_games: The number of games to play when computing statistics. Returns: Mean number and standard deviation of spins needed to finish a game. """ game_result = [] # (number of_spins, winning player #) while num_games > 0: random.shuffle(players) game_result.append(play(players)) num_games -= 1 spin_results = [x[0] for x in game_result] winners = [x[1].number for x in game_result] return (mean(spin_results), stddev(spin_results), Counter(winners)) if __name__ == '__main__': """Play a bunch of games and output the results.""" num_games = int(sys.argv[1]) pick_strategies = [BasicPickStrategy, PickColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy] steal_strategies = [BasicStealStrategy, StealColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy] strategy_combinations = list( itertools.product(pick_strategies, steal_strategies)) players = [] for i, strategies in enumerate(strategy_combinations): players.append(Player(strategies[0], strategies[1], i)) mean_spins, stddev_spins, win_counts = trials(players, num_games) print 'mean,std,wins' print '%f,%f,%s' % (mean_spins, stddev_spins, win_counts)
Here are some unit tests:
#!/usr/bin/python import random import unittest from sneaky_snacky_squirrel import BasicPickStrategy from sneaky_snacky_squirrel import BasicStealStrategy from sneaky_snacky_squirrel import Color from sneaky_snacky_squirrel import PickColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy from sneaky_snacky_squirrel import Player from sneaky_snacky_squirrel import SpinResult class FakePickStrategy(object): def __init__(self, all_players): self.pick_called_with = (None, None) def pick(self, player, num_acorns=1): self.pick_called_with = (player, num_acorns) class FakeStealStrategy(object): def __init__(self, all_players): self.steal_called_with = None def steal(self, player): self.steal_called_with = player class TestPickColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.players = set() self.player_1 = Player(PickColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy, FakeStealStrategy, 1) self.player_2 = Player(PickColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy, FakePickStrategy, 2) self.player_3 = Player(PickColorsLeastLikelyToBeStolenStrategy, FakePickStrategy, 3) self.players.add(self.player_1) self.players.add(self.player_2) self.players.add(self.player_3) self.player_1.reset(self.players) self.player_2.reset(self.players) self.player_3.reset(self.players) def testPick(self): random_color = random.randint(0, len(Color.COLORS) - 1) self.player_2.log.add(random_color) self.player_3.log.add(random_color) random_color_1 = None while True: random_color_1 = random.randint(0, len(Color.COLORS) - 1) if random_color_1 != random_color: self.player_2.log.add(random_color_1) break self.player_1.pick_strategy.pick(self.player_1) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.player_1.log)) self.assertTrue(random_color in self.player_1.log) self.player_1.spin(SpinResult.WIND) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player_1.log)) self.player_1.pick_strategy.pick(self.player_1, num_acorns=2) self.assertEqual(2, len(self.player_1.log)) self.assertTrue(random_color in self.player_1.log) self.assertTrue(random_color_1 in self.player_1.log) class TestBasicPickStrategy(unittest.TestCase): def testPick(self): strategy = BasicPickStrategy(None) player = Player(None, None, None) self.assertEqual(0, len(player.log)) strategy.pick(player) self.assertEqual(1, len(player.log)) strategy.pick(player, num_acorns=4) self.assertEqual(5, len(player.log)) strategy.pick(player) self.assertEqual(5, len(player.log)) class TestBasicStealStrategy(unittest.TestCase): def testSteal(self): self.players = set() self.player_1 = Player(FakePickStrategy, BasicStealStrategy, 1) self.player_2 = Player(FakePickStrategy, BasicStealStrategy, 2) self.players.add(self.player_1) self.players.add(self.player_2) self.player_1.reset(self.players) self.player_2.reset(self.players) self.player_1.steal_strategy.steal(self.player_1) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player_1.log)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player_2.log)) random_color = random.randint(0, len(Color.COLORS) - 1) self.player_2.log.add(random_color) self.player_1.steal_strategy.steal(self.player_1) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.player_1.log)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player_2.log)) self.assertTrue(random_color in self.player_1.log) self.player_2.log.add(random_color) self.player_1.steal_strategy.steal(self.player_1) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.player_1.log)) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.player_2.log)) self.assertTrue(random_color in self.player_1.log) self.assertTrue(random_color in self.player_2.log) class TestPlayer(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.player = Player(FakePickStrategy, FakeStealStrategy, 1) self.player.reset(None) def testFilledLog(self): self.player.log.add(Color.BLUE) self.assertFalse(self.player.filled_log()) self.player.log.update(Color.COLORS) self.assertTrue(self.player.filled_log()) self.assertEqual((None, None), self.player.pick_strategy.pick_called_with) self.assertIsNone(self.player.steal_strategy.steal_called_with) def testSpinSpecificColor(self): value = random.randint(0, len(Color.COLORS) - 1) self.player.spin(value) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.player.log)) self.assertTrue(value in self.player.log) self.assertEqual((None, None), self.player.pick_strategy.pick_called_with) self.assertIsNone(self.player.steal_strategy.steal_called_with) def testSpinWind(self): self.player.log.add(random.randint(0, len(Color.COLORS) - 1)) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.player.log)) self.player.spin(SpinResult.WIND) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player.log)) self.player.log.update(Color.COLORS) self.assertEqual(len(Color.COLORS), len(self.player.log)) self.player.spin(SpinResult.WIND) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player.log)) self.assertEqual((None, None), self.player.pick_strategy.pick_called_with) self.assertIsNone(self.player.steal_strategy.steal_called_with) def testSpinPickOneColor(self): self.player.spin(SpinResult.PICK_ONE) self.assertEqual( (self.player, 1), self.player.pick_strategy.pick_called_with) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player.log)) self.assertIsNone(self.player.steal_strategy.steal_called_with) def testSpinPickTwoColors(self): self.player.spin(SpinResult.PICK_TWO) self.assertEqual( (self.player, 2), self.player.pick_strategy.pick_called_with) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player.log)) self.assertIsNone(self.player.steal_strategy.steal_called_with) def testSpinSteal(self): self.player.spin(SpinResult.STEAL) self.assertEqual(self.player, self.player.steal_strategy.steal_called_with) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player.log)) self.assertEqual((None, None), self.player.pick_strategy.pick_called_with) def testSpinSleep(self): self.player.spin(SpinResult.SLEEP) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player.log)) self.assertEqual((None, None), self.player.pick_strategy.pick_called_with) self.assertIsNone(self.player.steal_strategy.steal_called_with) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
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